Ladies and Gentlemen...
Sorry about that. Had to be done. So let's see what's been happening in the Negative Zone. I know! A numbered list in no particular order except chronologically.
1. Stopped blogging after The Amazing Spidey-Man 1 was released in theaters only to make a triumphant return many moons later.
2. Saw Iron Man 3. Wasn't as angry about the Mandarin as most people were. Disliked most of the rest of the movie, but enjoyed it slightly more than Iron Man 2.
3. Saw Dark Knight Rises. Hated it with a passion. Talked in 'Bane Voice' for weeks.
4. Got into a serious car accident n wife's car on a rainy morning on a rainy highway. Seriously totaled car. Seriously unscratched driver. Said some serious Our Fathers.
5. Celebrated invulnerability after car accident by having a mancation with best buddy and playing video games and poisoning liver. New nickname is The Juggernaut.
6. Stopped ordering comics from DCBS and started up a pull list at my LCS, because it felt right.
7. Knocked up wife. Checked off an item on 'things to do' list.
8. Started watching Doctor Who. Finished entirety of rebooted Doctor Who series on Netflix in about a month. Became a fan of Doctor Who.
9. Dramatically decreased pull list to save for college fund. Started reading only good comics despite the effect it would have on The Negative Zone.
10. Was asked to take on illustration duties for a children's book that my sister's mother-in-law...or my brother-in-law's mother...or my mother's son-in-law's mother...whatever is writing. Panicked. Then handled it.
11. Drew my ass off for the book while taking labor and delivery classes with wife. Discovered what a doula was, Hired a doula.
11.5. Saw Man of Steel. Was impressed by the visual effects, but bored by the movie itself. Nonetheless happy to see Supes on the big screen again.
12. On June 28th (our anniversary) my wife went into labor. On June 29th(baby's actual due date) at 12:25am our child, Eliana Claire, was born. Life forever altered in an indescribably sleep-deprived and amazing way.
13. Tried Bacon Maple Kettle chips.
14. Started writing for blog again.
So you see, it's been quite a several months to a year or more for me. Fourteen things happened! I guess the logical thing to do would be to update you on what comics I'm reading. Here's my pull list as of the last few months:
-Saga by Vaughan/Staples (Image)
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Eastman/Waltz/Santolouco (IDW)
-X-Men by Wood and Coipel/Lopez (Vol 4((Marvel)) -about to drop
-Daredevil by Waid/Samnee(Marvel)
-Trillium by Jeff Lemire (Vertigo)
I'm considering dropping X-Men only because it's pretty irrelevant and, like most launch titles, started out with a great artist and tapered off to a lesser one. I am thinking that I will keep up with my X-Books in trade and only the ones that matter (relatively speaking) or of particular interest to me. I want to read Uncanny X-Force and X-men Legacy, but I have to read Wolverine and the X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, and All-New X-men just to get the overlapping stories. TPB it is, unless I can find a super good deal on eBay for back-isssues.
Movie and TV news:
I am watching Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and not enjoying it very much. I think it's boring and needs more comic superheroes/villains. I'm staying with it only because I have faith in Joss Whedon and expect a payoff. It was just green lit for a full 22 episode season, so there's that.
Movies that I'm looking forward to are Cap 2, Thor 2, and Guardians of the Galaxy. I'm tentative on X-Men: days of Future Past. I don't give a crap about Ant Man, The Wolverine or Superman/Batman. I'm reserving judgement on Age of Ultron because I'm worried about lightning not striking twice for Whedon. Hoping we see some announcements about Dr Strange, Ms Marvel, Heroes for Hire, Flash, and Wonder Woman. All in all, it's a pretty exciting time to be a fan of comic book movies.
That's the happenings as of the last year or so. It feels good to be writing again and hope to keep at it.