Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Flash #1

All you need to know about how I feel about this comic is in in this image. I freaking loved it. I don't know much about Barry Allen except people seem to see him as having no personality. This Barry Allen is basically Peter Parker on speed. I liked it. I liked the dialogue. I liked the art. I liked the layouts. It was a good superhero comic book. That's really all that needs to be said. Art is by Francis Manapul (hehe) and it is written by Brian Buccellato. Good good good. These are the kind of pages that Chris Bachalo wishes he laid out.

My only complaint is that it was (ahem) kind of a fast read.

I give The Flash #1 two awesomely laid out pages up.


  1. This latest Flash comic was actually better than I expected. I never got into reading the old Barry Allen Flash comics (from the 80s and prior), but I started reading them when Wally West became the Flash (because he was once a Teen Titan and I just love the Titans).

    When Barry Allen returned from the dead and Geoff Johns started scripting the new series, I thought I'd get into him, but I never really did. Maybe it was the monotony of the Reverse Flash (dumb name) popping up all the time. Geez...doesn't that guy ever give it a rest?

    The new Barry Allen in the new DCU feels more interesting already. I hope they continue the balance between his personal and costumed life.

  2. Oh, and note to DC: no more Reverse Flash, please!
