Thursday, April 28, 2011

The Mighty Thor #1 - You've been thunderstruck

Now, I don't read Thor. I never have. I hate the thought of starting to read anything outside of my precious X-bubble because I know myself too well and know that if I own one issue, I will need to get at least 300 back issues. I'm really OCD like that.

Luckily, I picked up the little freebie Thor catcher-upper to fill myself in on the major stuff that has happened in the last five decades in regards to the Asgardian and his adventures.

This puts me in a good place to start reading a new ongoing about Thor.

This book...this book really blew me away like a lightning bolt to the scrotum. Fraction is amazing. Coipel's pencils are the utmost incarnation of beauty. It was a gorgeous comic.

Now I know that there will be some people that have things to say and nits to pick about this book and you'll scoff and call me a noob for just flat-out glorifying this comic, and all of you can go fuck yourselves.

Learn to enjoy a comic.

Sorry, had to keep the Negative Zone negative.

Read this book. Buy a variant, even. It's really stunning. Fraction is top of the tiers. Peter David, Grant Morrison, and Matt Fraction 4 LIFE!!!

I give this book sixteen Asgardian-sized boners up, because, fuck.

1 comment:

  1. I don't read Thor anymore because, as you said, I'm now restricted to the X-bubble only. But I did enjoy the Walter Simonson era, those were great times for the god of thunder. If you ever succumb to your OCD you might want to check it out. :)
