Thursday, April 28, 2011

Uncanny X-Force #8 - Shadow Boxing

I'm having a hard time finding comics to hate these days. I guess on a limited budget I'm likely to only buy comics that I'm excited about. Disappointments can only be found when you have expectations. There's just been a slew of great reads lately.

Case in point. I'm starting to really respect this title.

I have already mentioned artwork in previous posts about UXF, so I don't need to state that I think it's a perfect fit. Characterization is what's mentionable. It's so refreshing to have a team book that happens to have Wolverine on board, yet isn't a Wolverine story. We know everything about Wolverine aside from whatever retcons Marvel may decide to endeavor. Spoilers ahead.

This title is equally Warren and Betsy, as it is equally Fantomex and Weapon Plus, as it is equally Deadpool antics, as it is equally Deathlok. Can I say that I love the idea of Deathlok possibly being a staple on the team? Yes. Yes I can.

This issue is a self-contained story of the Shadow King attempting, yet again, to torment Psylocke. I am not as impressed by Amahl Farouk as I used to be. Here's a thought, Mr. King! Why don't you take a group of X-Men that doesn't contain a powerful psychic? You know, maybe not engaging in astral warfare with one of the most powerful psychics on the planet?

Another thing. Are there any weak psychics? We always hear about these powerful psychics that X-Men either encounter, or recruit. Is there a mutant out there whose psychic prowess consists of getting an itchy nose when someone stares at their ass?

This brings up mutations in general. I understand the evolutionary advantage to recovering from wounds, or having access to parts of the brain that grant telekinetic abilities, but why in the name of En Sabah Nur would the natural world benefit from a person that can fire lasers out of his eyes? How about a being that can phase through walls? Is that going to grant a higher position on any food chains? There are some questionable mutant powers out there. Mutant powers that suspiciously seem to only be useful in a comic book context.

It's food for thought.

Back to the book at hand. There is further development into Betsy's psychic therapy with Warren and literally caging the beast within. Fantomex and Deathlok take a peak at Warren's battle collectibles and debate the wisdom of keeping The World as opposed to just dipping the damned thing into lava. It looks like half a pokeball.

Weapon Infinity! I choose you!

Yeah and the the Shadow King happens, and they win through a cunning, yet somehow predictable plot twist. I wonder if you can come back if you are cleaved in several pieces by an astral metallic wing while in the mind of another person. Oh yeah, spoiler alert. Sorry.

I give this issue the illusion of two severed Fantomex arms up.

Also...when was it established that Fantomex was an illusionist? Did I miss that in New X-Men? Guess I'll have to give that terrible Grant Morrison run another read. Oh darn! *sarcasm*

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