Thursday, February 10, 2011

X-Men: First Class Trailer Debut

Today we were treated to our first teaser for the new X-Men movie to hit theatres this summer. 

Yeeeaah......well.....being the X-fan that I am, I'm counting on this movie to suck about as much ass as a colonoscopy for a few reasons. Mainly the fact that there are so many characters that have nothing to do with the first class of the X-Men, and only one that actually belongs (Beast). I understand that this is a Charles/Erik movie, which is even more frustrating when looking at all the other unrelated bullshit that seems to be going on.

I love X-Men, so I am doomed to hate every X-Men movie.

Now, I know that most of this is previous knowledge, but seeing the trailer made it concrete for me.

Things that I was hoping for, but didn't get:
-Jean, Cyclops, Angel(Not Salvadore), and Iceman.
-Beast's gigantic hands and feet.
-A little blue somewhere in the X-Men's uniforms, to go with the yellow.

-A general sense of comfort about this film.

Things that I was hoping not to see, but did:
-Emma's poorly done diamond skin effects, circa X-Men Origins: Wolverine
-A soft spoken Xavier
-Banshee, Angel Salvadore, Mystique, Havok, and any other mutants that weren't a part of the first five.
-Cuban missiles instead of enormous living islands.
-Time paradoxes.
-Xavier's hair.

When I heard that Emma, Banshee, and Sebastian Shaw were going to be a part of this movie, I thought "Ok, well, if Emma is a teenager and Banshee is an Interpol agent, it's essentially the Generation X ashcan story that is being told, in which Emma first encounters the Hellfire Club.

No such luck.

When I found out that Darwin was being cast I theorized "Ok, well, if Darwin is in it. Then it could work with the 'Deadly Genesis' arc in which the First Class is captured by the living island Krakoa and Xavier could send in a new, second team to rescue them. This team will be obliterated and Xavier will have to show us his dark side by mind-wiping Cyclops into forgetting the whole thing. Then the second movie could be Giant Size X-Men. Now, we're talking X-Men awesomeness.

No dice.

You know, I give you so many chances, Hollywood, and you keep hurting me. 

Video source:

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