Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fear Itself fallout and continuity in general

SPOILERS, but at this point, who cares?

So, everything that happened in Fear Itself #7 was spoiled for me. Not that I didn't see it all coming. As soon as I saw promo art of Cap's shield shattered, I knew he'd lift Mjolnir. As soon as we were told of the prophecy of Thor and the Serpent, I knew Thor would perish by the end of the event. As soon as Iron Man went to Odin to ask him for weapons, I knew we'd see some Asgard-empowered Avengers. I think this is the problem with Marvel events. They are self-fulfilling and predictable. I enjoyed the dialogue and art of this whole series, but by the end, it was too anti-climactic. It was everything an end-of-event battle should be, but it was just too late in getting to us. I missed Fear Itself #3 and #6, and I got the whole story. Basically all that is needed is bits and pieces of all seven books, but Marvel is here to make money. Tell you what, Marvel. If you'd spend less time gouging us on comics and events and more time being mindful of your content and issue counts, maybe more of your comics would disappear from the shelf.

I know DC's New 52 was a scam to make huge dollars for a single month, but I didn't have to buy every one to get some good content. I'm now loyal to 5 DC books and had to drop some Marvel, all because the cover price and production value drew me in. Maybe Marvel's heavy hitters are not the way to go. Maybe I should drop all the Avengers and X-Men books, and start collecting Moon Knight and X-Factor exclusively, because I won't have to deal with this event bullshit and just have some good stand-alone ongoing tales. If everyone thought this way, you would lose customers for 10 titles a month, because that's how many I read and ask myself why I bothered to.

Let me make one thing clear.

I love Matt Fraction and I love all of the work he has done. I just hate that Marvel forces him to write events that leave us exhausted and pissed.

I give Fear Itself one fallen Asgardian down and three sighs of relief to be over up.


  1. .. this is my first Marvel Event, for me it was a Good jumping on point to the Marvel Universe, but Agree with you the events general (Marvel or DC) sucks, but always there are some good tie in, I really enjoyed Avanger Academy and Journey into Mystery

  2. If this was your first marvel event, then I apologize on behalf of Marvel.
