Saturday, November 12, 2011

100th Post!!! All-Star Superman DVD

If you traveled back in time to last November, you would find me making my first post. At that time, you couldn't tell me that my 100th post would be something DC related without being laughed off. I would say "Begone future-person, and leave me without your lies tainting these ears of mine! HAHAHA!"

Well let's talk about a movie I watched today by the title of All-Star Superman!

I rented this DVD from the Blockbuster Express kiosk at the grocery store near my humble abode. I was actually hoping to find Batman: Year One, but I had heard that All-Star Superman was good. I don't know if this is the same story as the comic story arc of the same name, but I wanted to give it a try.

The first thing I noticed was that it wasn't Bruce Timm animation. I have a love-hate relationship with Bruce Timm. I hate his male characters with gigantic shoulders and teeny-tiny legs. They look like tops. That being said, I can't deny his contributions to the animated comic-book medium. This movie, was not Bruce-Timmy, however. The animation was pretty good in the main action sequences, and wasn't terrible in the in-between scenes. If you've watched many comic-book related animated films or anime in general, you've probably taken note of the fact that animators are told to spend more time on the key action scenes and less on the talky scenes. This movie suffers from that ailment, but not as badly as I've seen before. I would say that the visual quality of this film is pretty above-average.

The story was enjoyable and I feel like there were alot of sequences to keep me entertained throughout. It felt like several short episodes put together, which kept it from a hazard of action based movies that have a main story and only two or three big action scenes. We have Superman saving scientists from burning up in the sun, then it moves to Superman and Lois in the Fortress of Solitude,  then it's about fighting Lizard people, then it's about the center of the Earth and riddles, then it's arm wrestling with other superheroes, then it's Clark having to save security guards from some energy absorbing monster at a high-security prison while protecting his identity, then etc...

It just keeps going, and every part was pretty fun.

I haven't read alot of Superman, but I understand the key points of his lore and the movie doesn't insult it's lay audience by trying to explain all the backstory. We can fill in the blanks and still enjoy it.

Overall I really liked it.

I give All-Star Superman two arrogant Kryptonians up and one Red Sun for all the world to enjoy.

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