Sunday, November 27, 2011

Avengers #19 - Prelude to rehash of Dark Avengers

The Good:
Daniel Acuna

The Bad:
Everything else.

Now, maybe I'm being a little critical here, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say that Bendis has officially become a broken record. During Fear Itself, we had to buy three books full of interview-style talking heads. Now we are finally out of that garbage and we get a prelude to Dark Avengers. Again. Also, Vision's back. Wait, what? Yeah, surprise Cap. Tony's secretly been repairing one of the two most powerful androids on the planet between the panels. Getting back on the sauce must really be helping Stark to focus! let's hope those repairs you made to his AI won't make Vision a lush, as well.

So Cap tries to get T'Challa back on the Avengers, but apparently Hell's Kitchen is more important than, you know, the Earth for The Black Panther to bother considering his offer. Incidentally, daredevil and Panther must be terrible superheroes. The real world version of Hell's Kitchen has apparently gone through so much urban renewal, that it really doesn't resemble the comic version in the slightest, and that was done without the aid of a superhero. So anyway, Panther is all like 'I'm busy motherfucker, go ask my wife!' So Storm, like any proud woman would, stops making sandwiches and flies in to join The Avengers. I really hate Storm as a wife. She's to strong to need a husband, unless it was me, of course. So Wolverine is all like 'Haaaay 'Roro! So super to see you! You been biz-ay? Just hangin' with that team I left a couple weeks ago to start a school that I will never be at because I'm on 4-5 super-teams at a time? Big ups ta all mah haters!'

The Worst:
Hawkeye's movie costume. Just. No.

I give this comic one of Ms Marvel's ass cheeks up for Acuna's art, and two of Red Hulk's ass cheeks down for all the gobbledegook.


  1. HA! Awesome... I can see that we were in total agreement with THIS issue, Lebeau! There was just so much wrong here that it was truly mind-numbing... Seriously, Tony Stark hit “the reset button or lever or something" and presto, Vision's fixed! I mean really? THAT'S the best explanation Bendis could come up with? It's times like this I truly think Bendis is just messing with the fans of the series because that CAN'T be for real! If he wanted to use the Vision so badly, why not just take the preexisting Young Avengers version and stick him here? Almost anything is better than IM hitting “a lever or something”...

    Agreed with Storm too. The way she was added, as little more than an afterthought, "Hey Cap, go ask my wife, I'm sure SHE'S not doing anything important." was just horrible. Granted, that's not as bad as the whole, "Hey Daisy Johnson? You're an Avenger now! Come on outside with us!" but a character like Storm deserves a better introduction to the team than that. And of all times to put Storm on the team, this is when Bendis chooses to to it? When the X-Men have been splintered? His timing really sucked here. Like I said, after this one, I really think Bendis is messing with us...

  2. I know he's probably given a proxy for what happens in the plotting, but HOW it happens is all on him.

  3. I could not agree with more about Hell's Kitchen. I mean, the only people who need savings in Hell's Kitchen are the people trying to get a co-op board to spend $1 million on a 850-square-foot apartment.

    I totally hate the Hawkeye movie costume.

    "Yeah, surprise Cap. Tony's secretly been repairing one of the two most powerful androids on the planet between the panels. Getting back on the sauce must really be helping Stark to focus!" Word. Drink more, Tony. My iPad is acting funny, so maybe you can help.
