Saturday, November 5, 2011

Comic books day! - Quick reviews

Journey Into Mystery #630
Anticipation: 6/10

I'll be honest. I loved the entire Fear Itself run of these comics, but near the end I was so fed up with Fear Itself that it was a pretty laborious read. I will say that this title has been one of the only relevant tie-ins to the event and you could basically read Fear Itself #1, Fear Itself #7, and then all the Journey books to get the full story. In addition to being burnt out on Fear Itself, the art in the last three issues has been Whilce Portacio. So that's been hard to get through. This one was a refreshing recap of the event through the bardic storytelling of Volstagg to his many children that I just learned he had. It was a nice way to end the event.

Justice League Dark #2
Anticipation 6/10

This title will hold me for two reasons. The first is that it gathers different characters that wield arcane arts as opposed to the standard superpower team book. I'm not used to reading books like that. The second reason is pure curiosity. The art is fantastic and I want to see where all this is going.

The Flash #2
Anticipation  9/10

This is one of the New 52 that surprised the hell out of me. I expected to take some interest in the more obscure titles, but not any of the A-list superhero comics. This is a classic superhero/everyday guy story. It's like classic Spidey. That alone is reason to interest me, but the visual quality of this title is jaw dropping. When you can get me to look at a page without words for more than a few minutes, you've done something amazing with visual storytelling. Manapul continues to astonish me with each issue. I read this back-to back with the Daredevil book I picked up and they each spoke to me in the same way. There is a several-page sequence in which Barry figures out how to literally think faster. Over the course of about 4 pages, you are told about so many things that happen in about one second of story-time.
You have to see it to understand. I really enjoyed this.

Animal Man #3
Anticipation 10/10

This title has knocked my socks off and made my eyes bleed from the first issue. This is a wonderful book. Jeff Lemire is just hitting it out of the park with the story and Travel Foreman is making me so creeped out by the horrific and grotesque visuals. This is a perfect horror book. It's making me think of the Vault of Horror books I used to pick up at the grocery store when I was eight. I haven't read much horror since then, but this is making me crave it. Truly a visual feast of horrific delights!

Daredevil #5
Anticipation 9/10
I'm finding myself drawn to the more small-scale heroes lately. Daredevil is surely one of Marvel's A-listers, but he battles street thugs and corrupt corporations instead of global and cosmic threats. It doesn't hurt that, like The Flash, the visual storytelling is unique and exciting. We "see" the world through Daredevil's "eyes", so to speak. The way he experiences his environment is through sound is expressed with such care and subtlety, that we can really understand his radar sense. I personally love it when he hears the guys moving up the stairs and can tell they are wearing nightvision goggles by the hum of the device. Then we see a narrative box that says, "Six armed mercs with nightvision. Whatever shall I do?". Then we see him turn on the light switch and blind them all. Brilliant. Another subtle sound cue is found when we see a series of R's scrawled across the panels gradually getting larger. Then we see that it was a speed boat approaching. So cool! Pick up this book. I don't care who you are. this.

Wolverine and the X-Men #1
Anticipation 8/10

I'll be honest, I was a little hesitant about this. It's only because I love the X-Men and any changes in the status quo scare me. Jason Aaron has proven that he can write Wolverine, but what of an X-Men team book? Well, I am happy to say that this book was fun as hell and I'm excited for the series. It's opening day of the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning, and the faculty have to deal with a couple of state inspectors. I'm glad to see Logan and Kitty in charge, and Beast is a refreshing sight. Chris Bachalo's art is always fun. He has always been one of my favorite artists. It's also great to see the X-men in a school again. I get so burnt out on the constant battling happening on Utopia and like seeing the characters be characters and not just fighting. I'm happy with this and hope the book maintains this mood. Did I not call that Krakoa would be showing up? Yeah, I did.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #3
Anticipation 8/10

IDW bought all the comics rights to my favorite childhood passtimes; Godzilla, Ghostbusters, and of course TMNT. With the creator of the Turtles on writing duties I don't really give a crap that the origin is different. I love reading Turtles again. All-red-bandana Turtles, at that! This is a great throwback. I don't mind the $3.99 cover price. In fact, the pages of this book feel heavier. I feel like they are printed on sturdier stuff than the Marvel and DC books I've been reading. Anyway, if you loved TMNT in the 80's and 90's, check this book out. It's got good art and is really worthwhile.

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