Saturday, September 10, 2011

Avengers aliens

I'm going to make my official call here.

Stuff we know:
Set pics of Cap fighting guys with motion-capture gear on and alien guns.
A 'Leviathan' is one of the things they will be fighting.
I guess that's all we really know. I've heard some people talking Skrulls, but that doesn't seem like an idea that will fit in one movie. They would have to include the Super Skrull, and then explain the Fantastic Four, and it wouldn't make much sense. The Leviathan thing has been theorized to be related to The Breakworlders from X-Men canon, but again, X-Men would have to be summarized. Breakworld is still kind of obscure. It could be the race of aliens from the Ultimate Avengers animated movie, but I would really like to believe that the film makers would use something more iconic with the non-Ultimate comics.

I am calling Kree.

I'd wager a six pack of Fat Tire.

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