Friday, December 17, 2010

Age of Xtortion

I'm sick of Marvel extorting money from me with hordes of X-books. Today saw a post by Marvel on FB about who should be in the new Age of X. I commented:

     "ugh...I just don't care anymore. How about this, Marvel. Cut back all of your throw-away X-books and put better talent on your flagship titles. Uncanny, Legacy, X-Factor, and you can even keep your precious new X-Men volume 3. Keep all of the talent for X-Factor the same. If you could get Sook back for art, do it. Uncanny gets Fraction and Dodson. Legacy keeps Carey and gets a consistent regular artist. I would like to see Bachalo on Legacy. Gischler and Medina are doing a good job on X-Men, keep them together. I will buy two copies of all these books at your fat $3.99 cover price if you do these things. I'll even buy two Amazing Spider-Mans a month as long as you keep Slott and Ramos on the job. DO IT! MAKE MINE MARVEL!"

Quesada hear our prayer.

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