Thursday, December 16, 2010

Generation Hope #2 - Tetsuo's revenge

So after the events of Second Coming, we are presented with a new generation of mutants that are in the charge of the first generation of X-Men that are too busy to babysit them.

Does this sound familiar? It should.

After the events of The Phalanx Covenant, we are presented with a new generation of mutants that are in the charge of former villain Emma Frost and former X-Man Banshee, who are reluctant to babysit them.

So I'm guessing that Generation Hope is supposed to bring us back to the days of Generation X.

Let me say that I'm really not all that into Hope Summers. I feel she is generic and she fits into her generic team of confused adolescents with their generic powers. There's a blue chick that flies and says "like" alot, a chick with fire and ice powers who likes the pretty lights, a mindless animalistic melee brute guy that humps and pees on things, a speedster that is, well, fast, and a leader that basically can be written to have any power she needs. Oh, and Wolverine is around because he has nothing else going on between his three team affiliations and vacation in hell.

Ok, we have a team book now! Except the last light, who is some insane Japanese kid who watched Akira too many times and has the unfortunate power of turning into a fleshy, cyborgy mass.

I am not feeling this comic. Not feeling it one bit. Generation Hope = Generic and disappointing.

Sal Espin's art is not terrible, and it really is the only pull the book has. I don't know how many issues Marvel has slated for this title, but I'm hedging my bets on Generation Hope and Wolverine Volume 4 for biggest fail this year.

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